My Story

Being a very curly girl myself, I understand the challenge to find the right products and the right hairdresser.

Natacha from Curls by Natacha

When I was growing up in Paris back in the 80s and 90s, there was little to no knowledge and few products available for curly hair. I remember there was only one option at my local supermarket, which was a mousse that gave me hair as hard as rock! I refused to straighten my hair daily and developed my own strategies for managing it. I was the outlier since most of my friends straightened their curly hair.

But I didn’t yet have the right approach, and my hair was only good for one day. I bought countless products, never finding the right one, or after a while, they stopped working for my hair.

I've experienced it all: disastrous haircuts, people touching my hair without asking, looking like a poodle, DIY product experimentation, frozen wet hair in winter...

I thought I had it almost sorted until I moved to Australia, where the humidity was a killer, and I struggled to find the right products and a hairdresser who understood my needs.

In 2010, I came across the Curly Girl Method. The new approach literally changed my life, the perfect start. After almost 10 years, I developed my own method.

That's when I decided I wanted to help others with the same struggle, and to share my new-found knowledge and experience.

Before, I had to wash my hair every day or every other day, and waiting an extra day meant it would knot so much that the resulting dreadlocks would take 45 minutes to detangle.

Now, I wash it once a week, it only takes 15 minutes to wash and style and no refresh needed during the week anymore!

I now have the joy of helping people get the best out of their curly hair, without stress and hassle and bad hair days. My dream is that everyone can enjoy the magnificent beauty of their curly hair!!


  • Rëzo Academy

  • Curly by Curl ™ Certification

Level 1: Rëzo Cut Certification

Level 2: Advanced Rëzo Cut Certification

CurlyWorld Level 1: CW Foundational Workshop